Deviated Septum Specialist

Advanced Sinus and Allergy Center
Nadia Caballero, M.D.
Sinus Specialist located in Park Ridge, IL
The septum is the wall that divides the nose from right to left. A deviated septum is one of the main reasons why people cannot breathe well through their nose. If you have trouble breathing through one side of your nose, it’s time to consider your options at Advanced Sinus and Allergy Center in Park Ridge, Illinois. With board-certified otolaryngologist Dr. Nadia Caballero, the practice offers nonsurgical and surgical treatments to set you on the path to optimal health. Find out how they can help you by calling or booking a consultation online today.
Deviated Septum Q & A
What is a deviated septum?
Your nasal septum is the thin wall dividing your nasal passages from right to left. It is composed of cartilage and bone. If your septum is pushed too far to one side, it can block your nasal passage completely, making it difficult to breathe through your nose. It can also lead to frequent nosebleeds and nasal crusting.
What are the symptoms of a deviated septum?
A deviated septum doesn’t always cause symptoms, so you might not know you have this condition. If you do not experience symptoms from a deviated septum, there is no need to fix it. However, if you experience symptoms, surgery can be helpful.
Some signs and symptoms of a deviated septum include:
- Obstruction in one or both of your nostrils that makes it difficult to breathe
- Nosebleeds
- Noisy breathing when you sleep
You may also notice you favor a particular side at night when you sleep.
What causes a deviated septum?
You might be born with a deviated septum, or it might result from trauma to the nose. Your septum may become deviated when you hit your nose even if the nasal bones do not become fractured.
How is a deviated septum diagnosed?
Diagnosing a deviated septum is straightforward. Dr. Caballero begins by asking about your symptoms. She’ll examine the inside of your nose, sometimes using a nasal speculum and light to see inside your nose. This allows her to determine whether you have a deviated septum. Some patients have a deviation to the right, others to the left and some have a complex or “S” shaped deviation. Sometimes it is needed to look deep into your nose with a small camera to evaluate the entire septum all the way to the back of the nose.
How is a deviated septum treated?
At Advanced Sinus and Allergy Center, Dr. Caballero tailors a treatment plan based on the severity of your condition. In some cases, medications can give you relief and allow you to breathe better through your nose and reduce the frequency and severity of nose bleeds and crusting.
While these medications may ease your symptoms, they won’t treat your actual deviated septum. To do this, Dr. Caballero may recommend a surgery called septoplasty.
This procedure is performed as an outpatient under general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Caballero straightens and centers your septum. She will remove deviated portions of bone or cartilage. Following surgery, you should be able to go home the same day.
If a deviated septum is bothering you, and you’re ready to Breathe Better and Enjoy Life Again, call or book a consultation online today with Advanced Sinus and Allergy Center.